Black and White
Make your photos to have emotions in it.
Shoot 100 photos and have 10 photos (with EMOTIONS in it) to present in class.
Note: Photoshop and Lightroom will be used for this assignment.
How would you visualize the world in monochrome? I’ve found myself looking more for emotions, mood, smoke, shadows, lines, graphical elements, and minimalism.
This will be different for you, but learn how to see in monochrome.
Many photographers shoot black and white their entire life, and still never master it. I’ve also found that if I switch between black and white and color too often, I can never learn how to really see the world in one.
Black and White will help you focus more on visual elements such as tone, texture and shapes.Your eyes will be better trained to recognize various forms and shapes.
Things to think about when shooting black and white
Things to think about when shooting black and white
Quality of light
Negative space
Landscape and portraits with good lighting is one of many things that makes black and white photos stand out.
Black and white focuses more on visual elements such as tone, texture and shapes.
Essential Questions:
· What design elements make a photographic image compelling?
· How can one design an image specifically for a black and white medium?
Quality of Work Demonstrates photoshop skills filter, cropping, saturation control, Take your time setting up or taking the photo
Deadline: Nov 4. 2018
Ansel Adams
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