Inside the Box
*You are box designer and you want to start a box business.
*You going to create a personal box that will have a story.
*This will make millions
*Using the laser cutter.
*Any size. Extra Medium is ok.
*The box should tell a story of you or “what you think is art.”
Personal easiest
What is going to be inside of it. Or what is the inside design.
*Think of material you going to use. Wood, paint, glue, dirt, paper, hair
*Is there something else or unique – black light, lights, smell(basil), secret,
*When you finished – Take a commercial photo of it. – Product Shot
About 3 weeks
There are six pieces to this music box, which can easily be put together using glue and 1/4" wood.
Setup the six pieces to fit to the dimensions of the wood you have. This file has been optimized for a piece of 14.5" x 9" alder, but you can rearrange the pieces to fit on scrap wood you have around your shop.
You can either use the celtic designs on the music box, or replace them with graphics you prefer. A photograph works well on the lid of the box, or a logo works well too.
After you engrave and cut the pieces from the wood, you can glue them together. In the graphic to the left, the pieces have been marked with their position on the music box.
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